IED maintains a collaborative relationship with many international organizations of high repute outside Bangladesh. It is also working in co-operation with many national agencies including institutions/organizations, government ministries, departments, commissions set up by the government with specific tasks, autonomous agencies, universities, professional organizations/ societies, print and electronic media, consulting firms, private sector agencies and non-government organizations.
IED is an active member of different networks and forums at regional, national and local levels and has the opportunity to raise its concerns at different level through these networks and forums, which is a significant advantage in implementing the activities of this project as well, particularly for advocacy and campaign. Currently, IED is the member of South Asian Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE) and also the member of internet based information network like Uttorsuri, AHRC, BEN, Jubilee south, etc.
Moreover, throughout this period IED has successfully extended collaboration in various initiatives/campaigns with around 200 eminent civil society persons including poet, writer, columnist, journalist, ex-bureaucrats, actors etc. and 23 NGOs. At the moment, IED is actively participating with several civil society platforms namely: Janouddyog (Peoples Initiatives), Shikkha Bachao Andolon (Education Reform Movement), Paribesh Bachao Andolon (Save Environment movement), Haor Bachao Andolon (Save Haor Movement), Sampriti Mancha ( a forum for minority rights) and Adivashi Adhikar Andolon, Green force (Youth Forum), Nari Nirjaton Protirodh Committee (committee against VAW), Election Working Group (EWG), Governance Advocacy Forum, Samajik Protiroadh Committee, Sammilito Samajik Anodolon, and My Rights Campaign, Health Rights Movement etc.