IED has undertaken self-defense training for building confidence among adolescent girls to address harassment of adolescent in the community. It has created impression in the society. Krishna Adhikary is an example for creating an extraordinary example. Father Krishno Adhikary is a driver in occupation and Mother Kanika Rina is involved in household chores. They live at Kazipara Raypara area. Krishna is the eldest among 2 sisters and 1 brother. She is the student of 10 grade at Anjuman Ara Academy. Krishna got involved in adolescent group around 6 years back in 2017. As ever, she was eager to involve herself in sports and music along with her study. She always tries to get involved into cultural activities as well as her study. She would like to participate songs and dance at any event hold in school, area or adolescent group. Her parents were not convinced when she wished to learn playing music. Her parents did not have financial solvency to afford the cost of playing music. This matter suffered her but did not lose hope. She inculcated latent desire in her mind that she has to perform something other than study. She was inspired by watching the playing of Kalsindur’s girls and winning of Bangladesh team in abroad. She thought that she would have to involve into playing sports especially with that institutions which inspires the girls playing games and sports. She thought that her parents would not have to bear expenses if she could get involved with this institutions by any means.